
For Linux(R) (x86) Systems HA Monitor Cluster Software

5.4.3 Approach to evaluating the resource sharing method

This subsection describe an approach to evaluating how resources are to be shared.

You must provide each shared resource for each server. However, if you use a resource server, you can share one shared resource among multiple servers. For a LAN, an alternative is to specify multiple IP addresses for a LAN adapter.

If you use multiple shared resources, you can localize the effects of shared resource failures. However, the time required for hot standby processing increases as the number of resources increases. Evaluate the resource configuration taking into account the pros and cons.

The following table shows the units of the shared resources that must be provided for each server.

Table 5‒4: Units of shared resources to be provided

Type of shared resource

Unit of shared resource required for each server

Shared disk

If an LVM is used for connecting a shared disk:

Volume group

File system

Logical volume


IP address