The specified path "aa....aa" is invalid. (reason = bb....bb) (E)
There is a problem with the specified path.
- aa....aa:
Specified path
- bb....bb: Cause of the error
not directory: The specified directory was not found. Another possibility is that it is not a directory.
not file: The specified file was not found. Another possibility is that the path does not point to a file.
too long: The path is too long.
invalid character: An invalid character was specified.
not full path: The path was not specified as an absolute path starting with a slash (/).
root directory: The root directory was specified.
invalid directory: Directories that include server directories or client directories cannot be specified.
not authorized: You do not have permission.
- S:
Terminates processing.
- Action:
Eliminate the cause of the error, and then re-execute the command.