
Hitachi Advanced Database Messages


No chunk meets the conditions for aa....aa. (M+S)

There is no chunk that can be archived. Alternatively, there is no chunk that can be released from the archived state.

aa....aa: Performed processing
  • archive: Chunk archive processing

  • unarchive: Chunk unarchive processing


Terminates processing.


Make sure that the target chunk specified by the -c option or -r option of the command is correct.

Alternatively, make sure that the chunk to be processed by the command meets the conditions for archive (or conditions to release from the archived state). For details about conditions, see the following parts in the manual HADB Command Reference:

  • Explanation of the -c and -r options in Explanation of the specification format and options in adbarchivechunk (Archive Chunk)

  • Explanation of the -c and -r options in Explanation of the specification format and options in adbunarchivechunk (Unarchive Chunk)