
Hitachi Advanced Database Messages


aa....aa processing ended. (return code = bb) (M+S)

Processing aa....aa has finished.

aa....aa: Processing that was performed
  • Merge-data: Table data merge processing

  • Purge-chunk: Chunk deletion processing

  • Index-rebuild: Index rebuild processing

bb: Return code
  • 0: Normal termination

  • 4: Termination with warning

  • 8: An error occurred.

  • 20: Part of command processing was skipped.


Terminates processing.


If the return code is not 0, take the action described below.

If the specified command was invalid and the return code 8 was output, check the command specification format, and then re-execute the command.

Return code

Corrective action to take


Check the warning message that was displayed or that was output to the message log file, and then take the corrective action indicated in that message.


For details about the cause of the error and the corrective action to take, check the error message that was displayed or that was output to the message log file.

For details about the actions to take when the adbmergechunk command terminates abnormally, see Handling abnormal termination of the adbmergechunk command in the manual HADB Command Reference.


The processing terminated normally, but the merge-source chunk could not be deleted. Therefore, the merge-source chunk is in the deletion-pending status. Execute the PURGE CHUNK statement to delete all deletion-pending chunks. Check the deletion-pending chunks based on the displayed message or the KFAA96785-E message.