
Hitachi Advanced Database Messages


aa....aa will resume by continuing from the last command. (process = (M+S)

Processing will resume by continuing from the last command.

aa....aa: Processing command
  • Import: adbimport command

  • Index-rebuild: adbidxrebuild command

  • Unarchive-chunk: adbunarchivechunk command Processing that will resume
  • Scan: Data scanning

  • Sort: Sort processing

  • Index: Processing to create a B-tree index

  • Terminate: Termination processing

S: Continues processing.

If is Terminate, the following processing has finished by the last command:

  • Creation of table data and index

  • Release of chunks from the archived state

Therefore, only termination processing will be performed by the current command.


If this message is output during execution of the adbunarchivechunk command, only termination processing of the last adbunarchivechunk command was performed. Therefore, if you intend to re-execute the adbunarchivechunk command but this command has never been executed, you need to execute the adbunarchivechunk command again.