
Hitachi Advanced Database Messages


aa....aa processing ended. (return code = bb) (S+L+M)

Processing of aa....aa has terminated.

aa....aa: Executed processing
  • Cost-information-collection: Cost information collection processing

  • DB-status-analysis: DB status analysis processing

  • Export: Data export processing

  • Import: Data import processing

  • Index-rebuild: Index rebuild processing

  • Merge-chunk: Merge chunk processing

  • Change-chunk-comment: Set, change, or delete chunk comments processing

  • Change-chunk-status: Change chunk status processing

  • Modify-buffer: Buffer modification processing

  • Archive-chunk: Chunk archive processing

  • Unarchive-chunk: Chunk unarchive processing

  • Reorganize-systemdata: System table reorganization processing

  • Modify-synonym-dictionary: Synonym dictionary registration or update processing

  • Delete-synonym-dictionary: Synonym dictionary deletion processing

  • Synchronize-synonym-dictionary: Synchronization processing of synonym dictionary files

  • Output-synonym-dictionary: Output processing of a list of synonyms registered in the synonym dictionary

  • Clean-synonym-dictionary: Deletion processing of unnecessary files under the storage directory for synonym dictionary files

bb: Return code
  • 0: Processing terminated normally.

  • 4: Processing terminated normally, but a warning message was output.

  • 8: The specified command was invalid or an error occurred during command execution.

  • 12: The specified command was invalid or an error occurred during command execution. For system table reorganization processing, the data before reorganization remains in the system-table DB area.

  • 20: Part of command processing was skipped.


Terminates processing.


If the return code is not 0, take the action described below.

If the specified command was invalid and return code 8 was output, check the command specification format, and then re-execute the command.

  • If the return code is 4

    Processing aa....aa

    Corrective action to take


    Check the displayed warning message or the warning message output to the message log file, and then take corrective action for that warning message.

    If the KFAA50291-W message was output, the cost information collection processing might have been skipped for some tables because the tables were in non-updatable status or their indexes were in unfinished status. If this is the case, release the tables from non-updatable status or the indexes from unfinished status, and then collect the cost information.

    For details about how to release tables from non-updatable status, see Steps to take when a base table becomes non-updatable in the HADB Setup and Operation Guide.

    For details about how to release the B-tree index from unfinished status, see Steps to take when unfinished status is applied to a B-tree index in the HADB Setup and Operation Guide.

    For details about how to release the text index from unfinished status, see Steps to take when unfinished status is applied to a text index in the HADB Setup and Operation Guide.

    For details about how to release the range index from unfinished status, see Steps to take when unfinished status is applied to a range index in the HADB Setup and Operation Guide.


    Check the displayed warning message or the warning message output to the message log file, and then take corrective action for that warning message.



    Check the displayed warning message or the warning message output to the message log file, and then take corrective action for that warning message.

    If either of the messages listed below was output, a problem has occurred, including constraint violation and unimported data.

    • If the KFAA61205-W message was output

      If this message (a warning message indicating that a duplicate key value was detected) was output, the uniqueness constraint of the table and B-tree index has been violated. Therefore, find the duplicated key values and delete the affected rows. For details about the corrective action to take, see Steps to take when the uniqueness constraint is violated (when the KFAA61205-W message is output) in the HADB Setup and Operation Guide.

    • If a message indicating that a logical error was detected in the data was output

      For details about the logical error in the data, check the message that was output. Note that if 1 is specified in the adb_import_errmsg_lv import option, a message that provides the details of logical error in the data is not output.

      For normal data, the data import processing has been completed. For details about the corrective action to take if there is a logical error in the data, see How to handle logical errors in input data in the manual HADB Command Reference.


    Check the displayed warning message or the warning message output to the message log file, and then take corrective action for that warning message.

    If the KFAA61205-W message (a warning message indicating that a duplicate key value was detected) was output, the uniqueness constraint of the table and B-tree index has been violated. Therefore, find the duplicated key values and delete the affected rows. For details about the corrective action to take, see Steps to take when the uniqueness constraint is violated (when the KFAA61205-W message is output) in the HADB Setup and Operation Guide.


    Check the displayed warning message or the warning message output to the message log file, and then take corrective action for that warning message.










    Check the displayed warning message or the warning message output to the message log file, and then take corrective action for that warning message.

    Also see Return codes in adbsyndict (Manage Synonym Dictionary) in the manual HADB Command Reference.


    Check the displayed warning message or the warning message output to the message log file, and then take corrective action for that warning message.


  • If the return code is 8

    Processing aa....aa

    Corrective action to take


    For details about the cause of the error and the corrective action to take, check the error message that was displayed or the error message that was output to the message log file.




    For details about the cause of the error and the corrective action to take, check the error message that was displayed or the error message that was output to the message log file.

    For details about the actions to take when the adbimport command terminates abnormally, see Handling abnormal termination of the adbimport command in the manual HADB Command Reference.


    For details about the cause of the error and the corrective action to take, check the error message that was displayed or the error message that was output to the message log file.

    For details about the actions to take when the adbidxrebuild command terminates abnormally, see Handling abnormal termination of the adbidxrebuild command in the manual HADB Command Reference.


    For details about the cause of the error and the corrective action to take, check the error message that was displayed or the error message that was output to the message log file.

    For details about the actions to take when the adbmergechunk command terminates abnormally, see Handling abnormal termination of the adbmergechunk command in the manual HADB Command Reference.


    For details about the cause of the error and the corrective action to take, check the error message that was displayed or the error message that was output to the message log file.





    For details about the cause of the error and the corrective action to take, check the error message that was displayed or the error message that was output to the message log file.

    For details about the action to take when the adbunarchivechunk command terminates abnormally, see Handling abnormal termination of the adbunarchivechunk command in the manual HADB Command Reference.


    For details about the cause of the error, check the error message that was displayed or the error message that was output to the message log file.

    At this time, the target table is in the status before the adbreorgsystemdata command is executed. Eliminate the cause of abnormal termination, and then re-execute the adbreorgsystemdata command.


    For details about the cause of the error and the corrective action to take, check the error message that was displayed or the error message that was output to the message log file.





  • If the return code is 12

    Processing aa....aa

    Corrective action to take


    For details about the cause of the error, check the error message that was displayed or the error message that was output to the message log file.

    At this time, the target table contains the data before reorganization and the data after reorganization. Eliminate the cause of abnormal termination, and then re-execute the adbreorgsystemdata command.

  • If the return code is 20

    Processing aa....aa

    Corrective action to take


    The processing terminated normally, but the merge-source chunk could not be deleted. Therefore, the merge-source chunk is in the deletion-pending status. Execute the PURGE CHUNK statement to delete all deletion-pending chunks. Check the deletion-pending chunks based on the displayed message or the KFAA96785-E message.