
Hitachi Advanced Database Messages


The value aa....aa, specified to output the list of synonyms, is invalid. (reason = (E+M)

The specification of the -n option or -o option in the adbsyndict command executed to output the list of synonyms is invalid.

aa....aa: Argument of the invalid option
  • synonym-dictionary-name: Synonym dictionary name

  • synonym-list-output-file-path: Synonym list output file name Cause of the error
  • invalid length: The length of the specified name is invalid.

  • illegal symbolic link: The link destination for the specified symbolic link cannot be acquired.

  • invalid character: Invalid characters that cannot be used in synonym dictionary names are specified.

  • illegal directory: A directory that cannot be specified is specified.

  • invalid path format: The specified path is not an absolute path.

  • duplicate: A file having the same name as the synonym list output file exists.

  • invalid permission: Access privilege for the directory has not been granted.

  • no synonym dictionary: The specified synonym dictionary name does not exist.


Terminates processing.


Correct the specified -n option or -ooption, and then re-execute the adbsyndict command.