
Hitachi Advanced Database Messages


The aa....aa is invalid. (line =, option =, reason = dd....dd, value = (E+M)

Information specified in the dictionary creation file or dictionary deletion file is invalid.

aa....aa: File that contains invalid information
  • dictionary-creation-file: Dictionary creation file

  • dictionary-deletion-file: Dictionary deletion file

Line that generated the error Invalid item
  • synonym-list-definition-file: Synonym list definition file name

  • synonym-dictionary-name: Synonym dictionary name

  • comment: Comment

  • correction-rule: Notation-correction option

  • record: Whole line

    If one of the following conditions exists, record is output:

    - The number of specified options is invalid.

    - The file does not end with a linefeed.

dd....dd: Cause of the error
  • invalid length: The length of the specified value is invalid.

  • invalid value: The specified value is invalid.

    The specified notation-correction option is invalid. Alternatively, although character encoding used by the HADB server is Shift-JIS, CORRECTIONRULE or CR is specified for correction search.

  • invalid character: Invalid characters are specified.

    Characters that cannot be used are specified in the synonym dictionary name, synonym list definition file name, or comment.

  • invalid format: One of the following errors exists.

    - The number of specified items is invalid.

    - The file does not end with a linefeed.

    - The specified enclosing characters are invalid.

  • invalid path format: The specified path is not an absolute path.

  • duplicate: A synonym dictionary name is specified more than once in the dictionary creation file. Alternatively, a synonym dictionary name is specified more than once in the dictionary deletion file. Specified value

If one of the following conditions exists, an asterisk (*) is output:

  • dd....dd is invalid format.

  • dd....dd is invalid length and either of the following is not specified:

    - Synonym list definition file name

    - Synonym dictionary name

  • dd....dd is invalid length and the maximum length of one of the following is exceeded.

    - Synonym dictionary name

    - Synonym list definition file name

    - Notation-correction option

    - Comment


Terminates processing.


Correct the information specified in the dictionary creation file or dictionary deletion file. Then, re-execute the adbsyndict command.