
Hitachi Advanced Database Messages


A view table was invalidated. (view table name = "aa....aa"."", reason = "") (M)

A viewed table was invalidated.

This message is output when a viewed table is invalidated by version upgrading of the database or by execution of one of the following SQL statements:

  • ALTER TABLE statement

  • ALTER VIEW statement

  • DROP SCHEMA statement

  • DROP TABLE statement

  • DROP USER statement

  • DROP VIEW statement

  • REVOKE statement


Schema name of the viewed table that has been invalidated

Table identifier of the viewed table that has been invalidated

Reason why the viewed table was invalidated

  • The view table depends on a table for which SELECT privileges were revoked by using a REVOKE statement

    The viewed table depends on a table for which the SELECT privilege was revoked by using a REVOKE statement.

  • The view table depends on a table that was changed from a multi-chunk table to an archivable multi-chunk table by using an ALTER TABLE statement

    The viewed table depends on a table that was changed from a regular multi-chunk table to an archivable multi-chunk table by using an ALTER TABLE statement.

  • The view table depends on a table that was changed from an archivable multi-chunk table to a multi-chunk table by using an ALTER TABLE statement

    The viewed table depends on a table that was changed from an archivable multi-chunk table to a regular multi-chunk table by using an ALTER TABLE statement.

  • The view table depends on a table for which a column name was changed by using an ALTER TABLE statement

    The viewed table depends on a table for which a column name was changed by using an ALTER TABLE statement.

  • The view table depends on a table that was deleted by using a DROP TABLE, DROP USER, DROP SCHEMA, DROP VIEW, or REVOKE statement

    The viewed table depends on a table that was deleted by using a DROP TABLE, DROP USER, DROP SCHEMA, DROP VIEW, or REVOKE statement.

  • The view table depends on a table that was recreated by using an ALTER VIEW statement

    The viewed table depends on a table that was re-created by using an ALTER VIEW statement.

  • The view table depends on a dictionary / system table that was recreated by upgrading database

    The viewed table depends on a dictionary table or system table that was re-created during version upgrading of the database.


Terminates processing.


Check whether the invalidated viewed table is necessary.

If the viewed table is necessary, release the viewed table from invalidation. For details, see Releasing a viewed table from invalidation in the HADB Setup and Operation Guide.

If the viewed table is not necessary, delete it by using the DROP VIEW statement. When you execute the DROP VIEW statement, specify CASCADE for drop behavior.