
Hitachi Advanced Database Messages


It might take a long time to execute the SQL statement because all chunks in the archive status are accessed. (archive table name = "aa....aa"."") (M)

Processing of the SQL statement might require a long time because the executed SQL statement accesses data in all archived chunks. The archivable multi-chunk table to be accessed is "aa....aa"."". <SQLSTATE: 01601>


Authorization identifier of the archivable multi-chunk table

Table identifier of the archivable multi-chunk table


Continues processing.


Consider correcting the SQL statement so that archived chunks to be accessed can be narrowed down. For details, see Considerations when searching an archivable multi-chunk table in the HADB Application Development Guide.

If this message is output during execution of the adbexport command, consider the following corrective actions.

  • When executing the adbexport command, specify the -c option (specify the chunks to be exported).

  • When executing the adbexport command, specify the -q option (specify an SQL statement file).

If you specify an SQL statement file, specify the SQL statement so that archived chunks to be accessed can be narrowed down.