
Hitachi Advanced Database Messages


The chunk status or archive status of the specified chunk ID is mixed. (M)

The adbmergechunk command cannot be executed due to either of the following causes:

  • Chunks in different statuses are to be processed by the adbmergechunk command.

  • Of the chunks to be processed by the adbmergechunk command, some chunks are archived but other chunks are not archived.

This message is output, for example, in the following cases:

  • Chunks in the normal status and chunks in the wait status are to be processed by the adbmergechunk command.

  • Archived chunks and chunks released from archived state are to be processed by the adbmergechunk command.


Terminates processing.


Check the status of the chunks and whether they are archived. Match the status of the chunks and their archive state, and then re-execute the adbmergechunk command.