
Hitachi Advanced Database Messages


The SQL statement in the SQL statement file of the adbexport command contains an error. (reason = aa....aa) (M)

There is an error in an SQL statement contained in the SQL statement file that was specified in the adbexport command.

aa....aa: Nature of the error
  • not SELECT-statement: An SQL statement other than the SELECT statement is specified.

  • parameters specified: A dynamic parameter is specified.

  • "ROW" specified in selection expression: ROW is specified in a selection expression.

  • length over: The length of an SQL statement (including space and linefeed) exceeds 16,000,000 bytes.

  • length zero: The length of an SQL statement is 0 byte.


Terminates processing.


Correct the SQL statement in the SQL statement file, and then re-execute the adbexport command.