
Hitachi Advanced Database Messages


The option argument is invalid. (command name = aa....aa, option =, reason = (E+M)

The option argument of the command is invalid.


Executed command

Invalid option argument

Cause of the error


Terminates processing.


Change the value specified for chunk-ID-list-to-be-analyzed in the -c option of the adbdbstatus command, and then re-execute the command. The following describes the causes of the error and the corrective action to take.

  • If the cause of the error ( is An invalid character was specified.

    Characters that cannot be used or that are grammatically incorrect are specified for chunk-ID-list-to-be-analyzed.

    Example of incorrect specification: -c 1-2-3

    Example of correct specification: -c 1-3

  • If the cause of the error ( is The specified value is outside the valid range.

    A numeric value outside the range of chunk IDs is specified for chunk-ID-list-to-be-analyzed. Specify a value from 1 to 9,223,372,036,854,775,807 for the chunk ID.

  • If the cause of the error ( is The value on the right side is equal to or less than the value on the left side.

    When a range of chunk IDs is specified for chunk-ID-list-to-be-analyzed, the value-to-the-left-of-the-hyphen is equal to or greater than the value-to-the-right-of-the-hyphen. Correct the specification so that the value-to-the-left-of-the-hyphen is less than the value-to-the-right-of-the-hyphen.

    Example of incorrect specification: -c 5-2

    Example of correct specification: -c 2-5

  • If the cause of the error ( is The specified value exceeds the maximum value that can be specified.

    The number of chunk IDs specified for chunk-ID-list-to-be-analyzed exceeds 30,000. Reduce the number of chunk IDs to 30,000 or fewer.

For details about the specification rules for chunk-ID-list-to-be-analyzed in the -c option of the adbdbstatus command, see the following: Explanation of options in Explanation of the specification format and options (outputting information about the need for reorganization of column store tables) in Specification format for the adbdbstatus command in the manual HADB Command Reference.