
Hitachi Advanced Database Messages


The operation on the file or directory "aa....aa" failed. (operation =, errno = (M)

The operation on the file or directory indicated by aa....aa failed.


File name or directory name

An asterisk (*) or asterisks (***) might be displayed.

Name of the system call in which the error occurred

Error number


Terminates this transaction.


Take one of the following corrective actions:

If a file name, directory name, or three asterisks (***) are displayed in place of aa....aa:

Check in the OS documentation for the system call name displayed for and the error number displayed in place of, and then eliminate the cause of the error. If an error occurred in a symbolic link file, check the link target files in addition to that file.

If this message is output during startup of an HADB server in a multi-node configuration, check whether an error occurred during open processing of the DB area file.

  • The file name displayed for aa....aa is the symbolic link name for the DB area file.

  • The system call name displayed for is open.

  • The error number displayed for is ENOENT.

If all the above conditions exist, an error occurred during open processing of the DB area file. In this case, the DB directory of the node that output this message is an invalid status. Re-create the DB directory by using the adbinit command, and then normally start the HADB server in the multi-node configuration. For details, see Adding, deleting, or expanding data DB areas (when the multi-node function is being used) in the HADB Setup and Operation Guide.

If this message is output when you use the table function derived table or access an archivable multi-chunk table, make sure that the file or directory displayed for aa....aa exists.

If the error number displayed for is EIO, a file I/O error occurred. If a file name has been output, make sure that you can access the file system or disk where the file is stored.

If this message is output during command execution, see Command-related problems in the HADB Setup and Operation Guide.

If you cannot determine the corrective action to take based on the system call name and error number that are displayed, execute an adbinfoget command to collect troubleshooting information, and then contact the customer support center.

If an asterisk (*) is displayed in place of aa....aa:

  • If this message was issued while the adbimport command was executing

    Specify a smaller value in the import option adb_import_buff_blk_num.

  • If this message was issued while the adbidxrebuild command was executing

    Specify a smaller value in the index rebuild option adb_idxrebuild_buff_blk_num.

  • If this message was issued while the adbexport command was executing

    Specify a smaller value in the export option adb_export_wrktbl_blk_num.

  • If this message was issued while the adbmergechunk command was executing

    Specify a smaller value in the merge chunk option adb_mergechunk_buff_blk_num.

  • If this message was issued while the adbunarchivechunk command was executing

    Specify a smaller value in the unarchived chunk option adb_unarcv_buff_blk_num.

  • If this message was issued while an SQL statement was executing

    Specify a smaller value in the client definition's adb_dbbuff_wrktbl_clt_blk_num operand.