
Hitachi Advanced Database Messages


This buffer is insufficient. (DB area = aa....aa, page type = b, buffer type = (M)

Processing cannot continue because there are not enough global buffer sectors.


Affected DB area name

b: Page type
  • d: Directory page

  • w: Work table page

  • t: Data page

  • h: Upper page

  • f: Leaf page

  • r: Row ID directory page

  • s: Row ID list page

  • a: Range index page Buffer type
  • COMMAND: Buffer for commands

  • GLOBAL WORK: Global buffer for global work tables

  • LOCAL WORK: Buffer for local work tables

  • GLOBAL: Global buffer


Invalidates this transaction.


The corrective action to take differs depending on whether the server definition's adbbuff operand is defined.

  • If no adbbuff operand that includes the DB area name output in aa....aa is defined

    Define the adbbuff operand. If the -p option specification was omitted, specify a value in the -p option that is larger than the default value.

  • If an adbbuff operand that includes the DB area name output in aa....aa is defined

    Take corrective action as described in the following table:

    Type of buffer output in

    Corrective action


    If this message was output while the adbimport command was executing

    Increase the value specified in the import option adb_import_buff_blk_num.

    If this message was output while the adbidxrebuild command was executing

    Increase the value specified in the index rebuild option adb_idxrebuild_buff_blk_num.

    If this message was output while the adbmergechunk command was executing

    Increase the value specified in the merge chunk option adb_mergechunk_buff_blk_num.


    Increase the value in the server definition's adb_dbbuff_wrktbl_glb_blk_num operand.


    Increase the value specified in the client definition's adb_dbbuff_wrktbl_clt_blk_num operand.

    If this message was output while the adbexport command was executing, increase the value specified in the export option adb_export_wrktbl_blk_num.


    The page type displayed for b is a.

    -a option specified.

    Increase the value specified in the -a option of the adbbuff operand.

    -a option omitted.

    Increase the value specified in the -p option of the adbbuff operand.

    The page type displayed for b is not a.

    Increase the value specified in the -p option of the adbbuff operand.