
Hitachi Advanced Database Messages


The value of the aa option in the client group ( will be changed from to dd....dd. (M)

The value specified for the aa option of the client group will be changed from to dd....dd.


Option name of the adbcltgrp operand in the server definition

Client group name or command group name

Value specified for the aa option of the adbcltgrp operand in the server definition


Value after change (value assumed by the HADB server)


Continues processing.

  • If aa is -m

    Revise the value specified for the -m option of the adbcltgrp operand in the server definition. If the value of the -m option is greater than the value obtained by the following calculation, change the value of the option to be equal to or smaller than the calculated value.


  • If aa is -r

    Revise the value specified for the -r option of the adbcltgrp operand in the server definition. If the value of the -r option is greater than the value obtained by the following calculation, change the value of the option to be equal to or smaller than the calculated value.


  • If aa is -w

    Revise the value specified for the -w option of the adbcltgrp operand in the server definition. Specify the value so that output-trigger-of-a-warning-message-relating-to-the-maximum-number-of-concurrent-connections-for-the-specified-client-group is equal to or larger than reset-trigger-of-the-warning-message-output-status.

For details about the value specification for each option, see the description of the adbcltgrp operand in Operands and options related to the client-group facility (command format) in Detailed descriptions of the server definition operands in Designing the Server Definition in the HADB Setup and Operation Guide.