
Hitachi Advanced Database Messages


The operation cannot be executed because a required resource is locked. (name = aa....aa, object = (M+J+O)

The SQL statement or the command cannot be executed due to contention of the locked resource. <SQLSTATE: 53028>

aa....aa: Locked resource name
  • PREPARE TABLE: Pre-processing table

  • DBAREA: DB area

  • TABLE: Table Locked resource to be acquired

A table name or DB area name is displayed.

The table name is displayed in the format "schema-name"."table-identifier".

If the schema name, table identifier, or DB area name cannot be output, three asterisks (***) are displayed.

  • For the SQL statement:

    Ignores this SQL statement. Alternatively, the system invalidates this transaction.

  • For the command:

    Stops execution of the command.


Wait for termination of the SQL statement or command that is acquiring the locked resource, and then re-execute the SQL statement or command. For details about locked resources acquired by the SQL statement or command, see Locked resources in Locking in Architecture in the HADB Setup and Operation Guide.