
Hitachi Advanced Database Messages


The name of the DB area for the index in ARCHIVABLE clause must be specified. (M+J+O)

The chunk-archive specification in the CREATE TABLE statement or ALTER TABLE statement is invalid. In the chunk-archive specification, a DB area must be specified to store the range index that is automatically defined by the HADB server. <SQLSTATE: 42IBA>


Ignores this SQL statement. Alternatively, the system invalidates this transaction.


Take one of the following actions:

■ Correct the SQL statement.

You must specify IN DB-area-name for the chunk-archive specification in the following cases:

  • When you execute the CREATE TABLE statement

  • When you execute the ALTER TABLE statement (if a range index is not specified in the column specified as an archive range column)

■ Specify the adb_sql_default_dbarea_shared operand in the server definition.

For the adb_sql_default_dbarea_shared operand, specify the DB area name that is assumed if the IN DB-area-name specification is omitted in the chunk-archive specification.