
Hitachi Advanced Database Messages


The aa....aa is incorrectly specified. (reason = (M+J+O)

The specified LIMIT clause or window frame border is invalid.

  • A value specified in the window frame value specification for a window frame border is invalid. <SQLSTATE: 22013>

  • The value specified for row-count or offset in the LIMIT clause is invalid. <SQLSTATE: 22510>

  • The data type of row-count or offset in the LIMIT clause is invalid. <SQLSTATE: 429D9>

aa....aa: Invalid specification
  • limit row count: The maximum number of rows to return (row-count) as specified in the LIMIT clause

  • offset row count: The offset of the first row to return (offset) as specified in the LIMIT clause

  • window frame bound: Window frame border Cause of the error
  • value: The specified value is invalid.

  • data type: The specified data type is invalid.


Ignores this SQL statement.


Correct the SQL statement.