
Hitachi Advanced Database Messages


DB area pages are insufficient. DB area = "aa....aa" (M+J+O)

No more pages can be created because the DB area file cannot be expanded. <SQLSTATE: 40503>


DB area name


Invalidates this transaction.


Expand the storage region in the DB area file. If the storage region cannot be expanded, change the DB area file's storage location. For more information, see Problems related to free space on the disk in the HADB Setup and Operation Guide.

If this message is output when you execute the adbreorgsystemdata command, take action as follows.

  1. Execute the adbreorgsystemdata command for all system tables (base tables) except for those that could not be reorganized.

  2. Re-execute the adbreorgsystemdata command for the system tables (base tables) that could not be reorganized.

  3. If this message is output again after the adbreorgsystemdata command is executed in step 2, free disk space for storing the system-table DB area is insufficient. Estimate the size of the system-table DB area, and then increase the amount of free space for storing the system-table DB area. For details, see Estimating the size of the system-table DB area and When a free space shortage is caused by an increase in the size of the DB area files in the HADB Setup and Operation Guide.