
Hitachi Advanced Database Messages


The aa....aa in the is incorrect. (reason = (M+J+O)

The SQL statement specification contains one of the following errors.

  • The sort key specified in the ORDER BY clause contains one of the following errors:

    • The name of a derived column (excluding a derived column that consists of a column specification only) is specified in the value expression. Alternatively, the derived column name that is derived by a set operation is specified in the value expression (even a derived column consisting of only column specifications cannot be specified). <SQLSTATE:427HC>

  • The window partition clause contains the following error:

    • The value expression contains no column specification. <SQLSTATE: 427HA>

aa....aa: Invalid specification
  • sort key: Sort key

  • value expression: Value expression Invalid clause
  • "ORDER BY" clause: ORDER BY clause

  • "window partition" clause: Window partition clause Cause of the error
  • not specified column: The value expression contains no column specification.

  • specified by the derived column: The name of a derived column is specified in the value expression.


Ignores this SQL statement.


Correct the SQL statement.