
Hitachi Advanced Database SQL Reference

7.18.1 Specification format and rules for search conditions

Search conditions specify criteria for retrieving data. A logical operation is performed based on the specified search conditions, and the system retrieves only those rows for which the result of the evaluation of the search conditions is TRUE. Search conditions can be specified in the following locations:

Organization of this subsection

(1) Specification format

search-condition ::= {[NOT] {(search-condition)|predicate|logical-value-specification}
              |search-condition OR {(search-condition)|predicate|logical-value-specification}
              |search-condition AND {(search-condition)|predicate|logical-value-specification}}
  logical-value-specification ::= {TRUE|FALSE}

(2) Explanation of specification format


If NOT is specified, values that do not satisfy the search conditions become the target of retrieval. For example, if you specify NOT "USERID"='U00358', USERIDs other than U00358 are retrieved.


To specify multiple search conditions, connect the search conditions with AND or OR. A mixture of ANDs and ORs can be specified. The meanings of AND and OR are as follows:

  • search-condition-1 AND search-condition-2

    Rows that satisfy both search-condition-1 and search-condition-2 will be subject to retrieval.

  • search-condition-1 OR search-condition-2

    Rows that satisfy either search-condition-1 or search-condition-2 will be subject to retrieval.


For details about predicates, see 7.19 Predicates.


TRUE: If TRUE is specified for logical-value-specification, the result of logical value specification is true.

FALSE: If FALSE is specified for logical-value-specification, the result of logical value specification is false.

The following are examples of specifying search conditions.


C1, C2, and C3 are column names.

  • Specification examples using comparison predicates

  • Specification examples using the IN predicate, BETWEEN predicate, LIKE predicate, and NULL predicate

    "C1" IN (10,20)
    "C1" BETWEEN 100 AND 200
    "C3" LIKE 'M%'
    "C3" IS NULL
  • Examples specifying multiple search conditions

    "C1"=100 AND "C2">=DATE'2011-09-06'
    "C1" IN (10,20) AND "C2">=DATE'2011-09-06'
    "C1"=10 OR "C1"=20
    "C2">=DATE'2011-09-04' AND ("C1"=10 OR "C2"=20)

The order of evaluation of search conditions is: items inside parentheses, NOT, AND, OR.

(3) Rules

  1. A maximum of 255 logical operations can be specified in an SQL search condition.

  2. The following figure shows the results of performing each logical operation.

    Figure 7‒3: Results of performing logical operations


(4) Examples

Search conditions are illustrated in the following examples.

Example 1

From the sales history table (SALESLIST), this example retrieves the customer ID (USERID), product code (PUR-CODE), and date of purchase (PUR-DATE) for customers who purchased product code P001 or P003 on or after September 4, 2011.

        WHERE "PUR-DATE">=DATE'2011-09-04'
        AND ("PUR-CODE"='P001' OR "PUR-CODE"='P003')

The underlined portion indicates the search conditions specified in the WHERE clause.

Example 2

Using the data in the sales history table (SALESLIST), this example determines the sum and average of the quantities purchased on or after September 3, 2011 by product code (PUR-CODE).

Furthermore, retrieve only the product codes for which the sum of the quantities purchased is 20 or fewer.

        WHERE "PUR-DATE">=DATE'2011-09-03'
        HAVING SUM("PUR-NUM")<=20

The underlined portion indicates the search condition specified in the HAVING clause.

Example 3

Insert a row from the products table (PRODUCTLIST) into the new products table (PRODUCTLIST_NEW). When inserting the row, change the product prices (PRICE) as follows:

  • If the product code (PCODE) is P001: reduce the price by 10%

  • If the product code is P002: reduce the price by 20%

  • Otherwise: reduce the price by 30%

                        WHEN "PCODE"='P002' THEN "PRICE"*0.8
                        ELSE "PRICE"*0.7

The underlined portions indicate the search conditions specified in the CASE expression.