
Hitachi Advanced Database SQL Reference

1.8 Retrieving data that contains a specific character string (LIKE predicate)

Use the LIKE predicate to retrieve data that contains a specific character string. The specification format of the LIKE predicate is as follows.

Specification format
SELECT "column-name" FROM "table-name"
    WHERE "column-name" LIKE 'pattern-character-string'
column name:

Specify the column to use for narrowing down the retrieval.


You can also specify expressions other than column names. For details about the syntax of the LIKE predicate, see 7.19.4 LIKE predicate.

LIKE 'pattern-character-string':

Specify the pattern character string to search for. The main pattern character strings (wildcards) are the following:

  • %

    This denotes any character string of zero or more characters. If you specify 'ACT%', it will match the character strings such as ACT, ACTOR, and ACTION.

  • _ (underscore)

    This denotes any single character. If you specify '_I_', it will match the character strings such as BIT, HIT, and KIT.

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