
Hitachi Advanced Database SQL Reference

1.6 Retrieving data with a search range specified (BETWEEN predicate)

The BETWEEN predicate is used to specify a search range. The specification format of the BETWEEN predicate is as follows.

Specification format
SELECT "column-name" FROM "table-name"
    WHERE "column-name" BETWEEN value-1 AND value-2

Specify the column that is being narrowed down by the search range.

BETWEEN value-1 AND value-2:

Specify the lower limit of the search range in value-1. Specify the upper limit of the search range in value-2.

Example: WHERE C1 BETWEEN 10 AND 20

In this example, the search range includes rows where the value of column C1 is between 10 and 20 (including both 10 and 20).


For details about the syntax of the BETWEEN predicate, see 7.19.1 BETWEEN predicate.

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