
Hitachi Advanced Database Application Development Guide

18.2.4 Adding, updating, or deleting data

To use an update SQL statement to add, update, or delete data, you allocate a statement handle, preprocess the SQL statement, and then use a_rdb_SQLExecute()to execute the SQL statement, in the same manner as for a SELECT statement.

The following figure shows the procedure for data update and deletion processing.

Figure 18‒7: Procedure for data update and deletion processing



You can also use a_rdb_SQLExecDirect() to both preprocess and execute an SQL statement without preprocessing the SQL statement in advance with a_rdb_SQLPrepare().

Note that using dynamic parameters requires a process of binding (association), which can be performed by using a_rdb_SQLBindParams() or a_rdb_SQLBindArrayParams(). For details about a_rdb_SQLBindParams(), see 19.4.4 a_rdb_SQLBindParams() (associate dynamic parameters). For details about a_rdb_SQLBindArrayParams(), see 19.4.2 a_rdb_SQLBindArrayParams() (bind dynamic parameters in batch mode).

The following shows an example of updating and deleting data.

Example of updating and deleting data
/* Allocate a statement handle */
rtnc = a_rdb_SQLAllocStmt(hCnct, &hStmt, NULL) ;
/* Prepare the INSERT statement */
rtnc = a_rdb_SQLPrepare(hCnct,
                        "INSERT INTO TABLE1 VALUES ('A','B','C')",
                        NULL) ;
/* Execute the SQL statement */
rtnc = a_rdb_SQLExecute(hCnct, hStmt, NULL) ;
/* Execute DELETE */
rtnc = a_rdb_SQLExecDirect(hCnct,
                           "DELETE FROM TABLE1",
                           NULL) ;

For details about a_rdb_SQLExecDirect(), see 19.4.8 a_rdb_SQLExecDirect() (preprocess and execute an SQL statement).