17.4.2 Information output when trace level is 1
The following is an example of the information output when 1 is selected as the trace level.
▪ Output example (trace level 1)
When using trace level 1, each line of characters can contain a maximum of 256 bytes. This restriction does not apply to the SQL statement whose execution was requested and any diagnostic messages, which are always output in full.
The following table explains each item of information output at trace level 1.
No. |
Output item |
Description |
1 |
[Trace Start Time] |
The date and time at which output of the HADB ODBC driver trace information started. If HADB could not acquire the time, 0 is output in all date and time fields. |
2 |
[Process ID] |
The process ID |
3 |
[Module Name] |
The name of the module that uses the HADB ODBC driver. If HADB cannot identify the module name, unknown is output. |
4 |
[Platform] |
The platform on which the HADB ODBC driver is operating |
5 |
[ODBC environment variables] |
The values of the environment variables used by the HADB ODBC driver. The values output here are not necessarily the values specified in the environment variables. They are the values actually being used by the HADB ODBC driver, which might be the default values or a value explicitly specified in ODBC Data Source Administrator.
For details about the preceding environment variables, see 4.3.1 HADB client for Windows. |
6 |
[RETURN Value] |
An explanation of the return values of the ODBC function. This information provides definitions that correspond to the integer values of the SQLRETURN data type output for RETURN (No. 11). |
7 |
The name of the ODBC function |
8 |
The value of the handle passed as an argument to the ODBC function |
9 |
The time at which the ODBC function started executing. If HADB could not acquire the time, 0 is output in all date and time fields. |
10 |
The time at which the ODBC function finished executing. If HADB could not acquire the time, 0 is output in all date and time fields. |
11 |
The SQLRETURN value that is the execution result of the ODBC function. For details about the meaning of each value, see the [RETURN Value] section that precedes it in the trace information. |
12 |
The value of SQLSTATE. This information is only output if executing the ODBC function results in output of a SQLSTATE value. |
13 |
The connection number. This is the same as the connection number output in SQL trace information. If the ODBC function had not yet connected to the HADB server, * is output. |
14 |
The connection sequence number. This is the same as the connection sequence number output in SQL trace information. If the ODBC function had not yet connected to the HADB server, * is output. |
15 |
Optional information. For details, see Table 17‒5: Optional information output for OPTION. The information output as optional information differs between ODBC functions. If the ODBC function does not have optional information, * is output. If HADB cannot identify the value for information output as a symbol name, unknown is output instead of the symbol value. |
16 |
Connect Info |
The information output when the connection with the HADB server was established. |
17 |
[DataSourceName] |
The name of the data source to which the HADB ODBC is connected. If the driver is not using a data source or is using a file DSN, * is output. |
18 |
[Client Definition File Path] |
The path of the client definition file |
19 |
[Hitachi Advanced Data Binder ODBC Driver Version] |
The version of the HADB ODBC driver |
20 |
[ProcessID] |
The process ID of the HADB client |
21 |
<SQL> |
The SQL statement whose execution was requested. If the following ODBC functions were executed, <SQL> shows the SQL statement passed as an argument of the ODBC function.
22 |
<Message> |
A message that provides diagnostic information. A message is output when the execution result of the ODBC function is one of the following:
The following table lists the optional information output for OPTION in the preceding table.
No. |
Type |
ODBC function |
Optional information output for OPTION |
1 |
Connections with data sources |
SQLAllocHandle |
2 |
SQLConnect(W) |
3 |
SQLDriverConnect(W) |
InConnectionString A single asterisk * is output in place of the password. |
4 |
SQLBrowseConnect(W) |
5 |
Acquisition of driver and data source information |
SQLDataSources(W) |
None |
6 |
SQLDrivers(W) |
7 |
SQLGetInfo(W) |
InfoType |
8 |
SQLGetFunctions |
FunctionID |
9 |
SQLGetTypeInfo(W) |
DataType |
10 |
Setting and acquiring driver options |
SQLSetConnectAttr(W) |
Attribute |
11 |
SQLGetConnectAttr(W) |
12 |
SQLSetEnvAttr |
13 |
SQLGetEnvAttr |
14 |
SQLSetStmtAttr(W) |
15 |
SQLGetStmtAttr(W) |
16 |
Setting descriptor values |
SQLGetDescField(W) |
17 |
SQLGetDescRec(W) |
18 |
SQLSetDescField(W) |
19 |
SQLSetDescRec |
20 |
SQLCopyDesc |
21 |
Creating SQL requests |
SQLPrepare(W) |
22 |
SQLBindParameter |
23 |
SQLGetCursorName(W) |
None |
24 |
SQLSetCursorName(W) |
25 |
SQLDescribeParam |
ParameterNumber |
26 |
SQLNumParams |
*ParameterCountPtr |
27 |
SQL execution |
SQLExecute |
28 |
SQLExecDirect(W) |
29 |
SQLNativeSql(W) |
OutStatementText |
30 |
SQLParamData |
None |
31 |
SQLPutData |
StrLen or Ind |
32 |
Acquiring execution results and execution result information |
SQLRowCount |
*RowCountPtr |
33 |
SQLNumResultCols |
*ColumnCountPtr |
34 |
SQLDescribeCol(W) |
ColumnNumber |
35 |
SQLColAttribute(W) |
36 |
SQLBindCol |
37 |
SQLFetch |
None |
38 |
SQLFetchScroll |
39 |
SQLGetData |
40 |
SQLSetPos |
None |
41 |
SQLBulkOperations |
42 |
SQLMoreResults |
43 |
SQLGetDiagField(W) |
DiagIdentifier |
44 |
SQLGetDiagRec(W) |
None |
45 |
Acquiring system information for data sources |
SQLColumnPrivileges(W) |
None |
46 |
SQLColumns(W) |
47 |
SQLForeignKeys(W) |
48 |
SQLPrimaryKeys(W) |
49 |
SQLProcedureColumns(W) |
50 |
SQLProcedures(W) |
51 |
SQLSpecialColumns(W) |
52 |
SQLStatistics(W) |
53 |
SQLTablePrivileges(W) |
54 |
SQLTables(W) |
55 |
Terminating SQL execution |
SQLFreeStmt |
Option When Option=SQL_CLOSE is specified, the following information is also output:
56 |
SQLCloseCursor |
57 |
SQLCancel |
None |
58 |
SQLEndTran |
59 |
Disconnecting from data sources |
SQLDisconnect |
None |
60 |
SQLFreeHandle |
For variables whose names are prefixed with *, HADB outputs the output value. For all other variables, the input value is output.
(symbol value) means that the symbol value is output as a character string. In all other cases, a numeric value is output. If the value is unknown, unknown is output.
In some circumstances, such as when the transaction has been settled, HADB might be unable to acquire tran_id, stmt_htdl, and sql_serial_num. In this case, * is output for each value.
When outputting two or more pieces of optional information, each piece of information is separated by a comma.