16.6.3 SQLSetDescField, SQLSetDescFieldW
- Organization of this subsection
(1) Function
This ODBC function sets the value of a descriptor field specified in the arguments.
(2) Format
For SQLSetDescField
SQLRETURN SQLSetDescField ( SQLHDESC DescriptorHandle, /* In */ SQLSMALLINT RecNumber, /* In */ SQLSMALLINT FieldIdentifier, /* In */ SQLPOINTER ValuePtr, /* In */ SQLINTEGER BufferLength /* In */ )
For SQLSetDescFieldW
SQLRETURN SQLSetDescFieldW ( SQLHDESC DescriptorHandle, /* In */ SQLSMALLINT RecNumber, /* In */ SQLSMALLINT FieldIdentifier, /* In */ SQLPOINTER ValuePtr, /* In */ SQLINTEGER BufferLength /* In */ )
(3) Arguments
- DescriptorHandle
Specifies a descriptor handle.
- RecNumber
Specifies a column number (ARD or IRD) or a parameter number (APD or IPD).
If FieldIdentifier indicates a header field, this argument is ignored.
If there is no descriptor record with the record number specified in this argument, this function creates a descriptor record with that record number.
- FieldIdentifier
Specifies the field (header or record field) of the descriptor whose value is to be set. For details about the attributes that can be specified, see 16.17 Attributes that can be specified in SQLGetDescField, SQLGetDescFieldW, SQLSetDescField, and SQLSetDescFieldW.
- ValuePtr
Specifies the descriptor information to be set (pointer or integer value). For details about the values that can be specified, see 16.17 Attributes that can be specified in SQLGetDescField, SQLGetDescFieldW, SQLSetDescField, and SQLSetDescFieldW.
- BufferLength
If the data type of the descriptor field specified in FieldIdentifier is character string or binary, this argument specifies the length of *ValuePtr (in bytes). If it is any other data type, this argument is ignored.
(4) Return value
This ODBC function returns one of the following SQLSTATE values:
Description |
Remarks |
Returned |
01000 |
General warning |
-- |
N |
01S02 |
Option value changed |
N |
07009 |
Invalid descriptor index |
Y |
08S01 |
Communication link failure |
-- |
N |
22001 |
Character string data was right-truncated |
N |
5C002 |
Character encoding conversion error |
A character code that cannot be converted was detected. |
Y |
HY001 |
Memory allocation error |
-- |
Y |
HY010 |
Function sequence error |
Before this function was executed, SQLExecute, SQLExecDirect, SQLExecDirectW, or SQLParamData was called for StatementHandle associated with DescriptorHandle and returned SQL_NEED_DATA. Since then, the setting of runtime data parameters or runtime data columns has not been completed. |
Y |
HY013 |
Memory management error |
-- |
N |
HY016 |
Cannot modify an implementation row descriptor |
DescriptorHandle is associated with an IRD, but FieldIdentifier is not SQL_DESC_ARRAY_STATUS_PTR or SQL_DESC_ROWS_PROCESSED_PTR |
Y |
HY021 |
Inconsistent descriptor information |
-- |
N |
HY090 |
Invalid string or buffer length |
N |
HY091 |
Invalid descriptor field identifier |
Y |
HY092 |
Invalid attribute or option identifier |
Y |
HY105 |
Invalid parameter type |
The value specified in the SQL_DESC_PARAMETER_TYPE field is invalid (the value is not SQL_PARAM_INPUT). |
Y |
HYT01 |
Connection timeout expired |
-- |
N |
IM001 |
Driver does not support this function |
N |
- Legend:
Y: This SQLSTATE might be returned by the HADB ODBC driver.
N: This SQLSTATE is not returned by the HADB ODBC driver.
--: None