16.5.4 SQLGetEnvAttr
- Organization of this subsection
(1) Function
This ODBC function returns the current attribute value of an environment handle.
(2) Format
SQLRETURN SQLGetEnvAttr ( SQLHENV EnvironmentHandle, /* In */ SQLINTEGER Attribute, /* In */ SQLPOINTER ValuePtr, /* Out */ SQLINTEGER BufferLength, /* In */ SQLINTEGER * StringLengthPtr /* Out */ )
(3) Arguments
- EnvironmentHandle
Specifies an environment handle.
- Attribute
Specifies the attribute to be obtained. For details about the attributes that can be specified, see 16.15 Attributes that can be specified in SQLSetEnvAttr and SQLGetEnvAttr.
- ValuePtr
Specifies a pointer to the buffer in which the attribute specified in Attribute is to be returned. NULL can also be specified in ValuePtr.
- BufferLength
If the type of the attribute value specified in Attribute is character string or binary, this argument specifies the length of *ValuePtr (in bytes). If it is any other data type, this argument is ignored.
- StringLengthPtr
Specifies a pointer to the buffer that stores the total number of valid bytes in the returned attribute value. This total number of bytes does not include the number of bytes in the null terminating character. If ValuePtr is NULL, no value is returned to *StringLengthPtr.
(4) Return value
This ODBC function returns one of the following SQLSTATE values:
Description |
Remarks |
Returned |
01000 |
General warning |
-- |
N |
01004 |
Character string data was right-truncated |
N |
HY000 |
General error |
N |
HY001 |
Memory allocation error |
N |
HY010 |
Function sequence error |
Y |
HY013 |
Memory management error |
N |
HY092 |
Invalid attribute or option identifier |
Y |
HYC00 |
Optional feature not implemented |
Y |
IM001 |
Driver does not support this function |
N |
- Legend:
Y: This SQLSTATE might be returned by the HADB ODBC driver.
N: This SQLSTATE is not returned by the HADB ODBC driver.
--: None