16.5.1 SQLSetConnectAttr, SQLSetConnectAttrW
- Organization of this subsection
(1) Function
This ODBC function sets connection attributes.
(2) Format
For SQLSetConnectAttr
SQLRETURN SQLSetConnectAttr ( SQLHDBC ConnectionHandle, /* In */ SQLINTEGER Attribute, /* In */ SQLPOINTER ValuePtr, /* In */ SQLINTEGER StringLength /* In */ )
For SQLSetConnectAttrW
SQLRETURN SQLSetConnectAttrW ( SQLHDBC ConnectionHandle, /* In */ SQLINTEGER Attribute, /* In */ SQLPOINTER ValuePtr, /* In */ SQLINTEGER StringLength /* In */ )
(3) Arguments
- ConnectionHandle
Specifies a connection handle for which connection attributes are to be set.
- Attribute
Specifies the connection attributes to be set. For details about the attributes that can be specified, see 16.14 Attributes that can be specified in SQLSetConnectAttr, SQLSetConnectAttrW, SQLGetConnectAttr, and SQLGetConnectAttrW.
- ValuePtr
Specifies a pointer to the values to be associated with Attribute or a 32-bit integer value. For details about the values that can be specified, see 16.14 Attributes that can be specified in SQLSetConnectAttr, SQLSetConnectAttrW, SQLGetConnectAttr, and SQLGetConnectAttrW.
- StringLength
Specifies the length of *ValuePtr (in bytes). If ValuePtr is an integer, this argument is ignored.
If ValuePtr is a pointer to a character string, this argument specifies the length of the character string (in bytes) or SQL_NTS.
(4) Return value
This ODBC function returns one of the following SQLSTATE values:
Description |
Remarks |
Returned |
01000 |
General warning |
-- |
N |
01S02 |
Option value changed |
Y |
08002 |
Connection name in use |
N |
08003 |
Connection does not exist |
N |
08S01 |
Communication link failure |
N |
24000 |
Invalid cursor status |
N |
25000 |
Invalid operation in local transaction |
N |
3D000 |
Invalid catalog name |
N |
HY000 |
General error |
N |
HY001 |
Memory allocation error |
N |
HY008 |
Operation cancelled |
N |
HY009 |
Invalid use of null pointer |
N |
HY010 |
Function sequence error |
N |
HY011 |
Attribute cannot be set now |
Y |
HY013 |
Memory management error |
N |
HY024 |
Invalid attribute value |
Y |
HY090 |
Invalid string or buffer length |
The following conditions are all satisfied:
Y |
HY092 |
Invalid attribute or option identifier |
-- |
Y |
HY114 |
The driver does not support asynchronous execution at the connection level |
N |
HY117 |
Connection suspended |
N |
HY121 |
Cursor library and driver-dependent connection pooling cannot be executed concurrently |
N |
HYC00 |
Optional feature not implemented |
The specified Attribute is a valid argument, but it is not supported by the driver. |
Y |
HYT01 |
Connection timeout expired |
-- |
N |
IM001 |
Driver does not support this function |
N |
IM009 |
Unable to load translation DLL |
N |
IM017 |
Invalid asynchronous polling |
N |
IM018 |
Incomplete asynchronous execution |
N |
S1118 |
The driver does not support asynchronous notification |
N |
- Legend:
Y: This SQLSTATE might be returned by the HADB ODBC driver.
N: This SQLSTATE is not returned by the HADB ODBC driver.
--: None
(6) Notes
If you specify a value for Attribute that is specific to HADB; that is, one that does not exist in the ODBC conventions, include adbodb.h.
The transaction access mode specified in this function (the attribute is SQL_ATTR_ACCESS_MODE) is determined based on the priorities shown in the following table (the smaller the priority number, the higher the priority).
Table 16‒5: Priorities of transaction access mode Priority
Specification location of transaction access mode
SQLSetConnectAttr or SQLSetConnectAttrW
adb_clt_trn_access_mode operand in the client definition