
Hitachi Advanced Database Application Development Guide

10.5.15 setNotErrorOccurred(boolean mode)

Organization of this subsection

(1) Function

This method specifies the setting as to whether generation of ConnectionEventListener.connectionErrorOccurred is to be suppressed.

(2) Format

public synchronized void setNotErrorOccurred(boolean mode) throws SQLException

(3) Arguments

boolean mode

Specifies whether generation of ConnectionEventListener.connectionErrorOccurred is to be suppressed.

The permitted value is as follows:

  • true: Suppress generation of connectionErrorOccurred.

  • false: Do not suppress generation of connectionErrorOccurred.

If this method is not executed, the JDBC driver assumes false.

If ConnectionPoolDataSource is used, this argument specifies the setting that suppresses calling of ConnectionEventListener.connectionErrorOccurred, which is called if a fatal connection error occurs. Normally, this argument is not specified or is set to false.

(4) Return value


(5) Exceptions
