
Hitachi Advanced Database Application Development Guide

8.6.120 supportsConvert(int fromType, int toType)

Organization of this subsection

(1) Function

This method acquires a value indicating whether the CONVERT function is supported for specified SQL types.

(2) Format

public synchronized boolean supportsConvert(int fromType, int toType) throws SQLException

(3) Arguments

int fromType

SQL type of the conversion source (an SQL type of java.sql.Types)

int toType

SQL type of the conversion target (an SQL type of java.sql.Types)

(4) Return value

The method returns one of the following values:

The following table lists the return values depending on the combination of conversion source and target types.

Table 8‒69: Return values depending on the combination of conversion source and target types



Y: Return value is true (supported).

J: Return value is true (supported as Julian date conversion).

--: Return value is false (not supported).


There is no corresponding data type in HADB servers.


For details about the corresponding data type on HADB servers, see (1) Correspondence between HADB's data types and JDBC's SQL data types in 7.6.1 Mapping data types.

(5) Exceptions

If this Connection object is closed before this method is executed, the JDBC driver throws an SQLException.