
Hitachi Advanced Database Application Development Guide

8.5.7 findColumn(String columnName)

Organization of this subsection

(1) Function

This method returns the column number corresponding to a specified column name.

(2) Format

public synchronized int findColumn(String columnName) throws SQLException

(3) Arguments

String columnName

Specifies a column name. The column number corresponding to this column name is returned.

The following notes apply to specifying a column name:

  • Column names are not case sensitive.

  • Because the entire character string that is specified is assumed to be the column name, any double quotation mark (") specified in the character string is assumed to be part of the column name.

  • If more than one column has the specified column name, the smallest column number corresponding to that column name is returned.

(4) Return value

This method returns the column number corresponding to the specified column name.

(5) Exceptions

The JDBC driver throws an SQLException in the following cases: