
Hitachi Advanced Database Application Development Guide

8.3.39 setMaxFieldSize(int max)

Organization of this subsection

(1) Function

This method specifies the maximum number of bytes for a CHAR or VARCHAR column in a ResultSet object that is created from this Statement object. Any bytes in excess of this value are discarded.

The setting specified by this method is not applied to ResultSet objects that have already been created.

(2) Format

public synchronized void setMaxFieldSize(int max) throws SQLException

(3) Arguments

int max

Specifies the maximum number of bytes to be applied to each CHAR and VARCHAR column.

If 0 is specified, no maximum number of bytes is set.

If this method is not executed, 0 (no maximum number of bytes is set) is assumed.

(4) Return value


(5) Exceptions

The JDBC driver throws an SQLException in the following cases: