
Hitachi Advanced Database Application Development Guide

8.2.35 setHADBSQLHashFltSize(int areaSize)

Organization of this subsection

(1) Function

This method sets for this Connection object the size of the hash filter area.

The value set by this method is compatible with the adb_sql_exe_hashflt_area_size operand in the client definition.


For the Statement or PreparedStatement object generated from the Connection object for which this method is specified, the size of the hash filter area that is set by this method is applied until the Connection object is closed.

For details about how to use this method (how to change the size of the hash filter area for each SQL statement to be executed), see (7) Examples in 8.2.37 setHADBSQLMaxRthdNum(int rthdNum).

(2) Format

public void setHADBSQLHashFltSize(int areaSize) throws SQLException

(3) Arguments

int areaSize

Specifies in megabytes the size of the hash filter area to be set.

(4) Return value


(5) Exceptions

The JDBC driver throws an SQLException in the following cases:

(6) Notes