8.2.3 close()
- Organization of this subsection
(1) Function
This method closes the connection with the HADB server.
When a normal connection is in effect, this method disconnects the HADB server, disables the corresponding objects, and releases any unneeded resources.
(2) Format
public synchronized void close() throws SQLException
(3) Arguments
(4) Return value
(5) Exceptions
(6) Notes
If this method is executed in a pooling environment, the physical connection is not closed. In this case, the close method of the PooledConnection object must be used to close the physical connection.
If execution of this method in a pooling environment results in a fatal error and connection pooling becomes unavailable, ConnectionEventListener.connectionErrorOccurred does not occur.
If this method is called by a Connection object that is already closed, this method does nothing.
If an error occurred during row retrieval processing, an unsettled transaction is rolled back without being committed. Connection to the HADB server is closed normally and resources are released.