
Hitachi Advanced Database Application Development Guide

5.7.3 Characteristics of each type of grouping

The following table describes the characteristics of each type of grouping.

Table 5‒8: Characteristics of each type of grouping


Grouping type




Hash grouping

Local hash grouping

Grouping is performed at a higher speed if the data required for grouping can fit in the hash grouping area for each SQL processing real thread, such as when there are only a few groups.

Processing performance decreases when there are many groups.


Global hash grouping

Grouping is performed at a higher speed if the data required for grouping can fit in the hash table area.

Processing performance decreases when grouping requires a large amount of data, and a shortage of space occurs in the hash table area, because the data is first stored in the work table.


Sort grouping

Grouping is possible even if no hash grouping area or hash table area is allocated.

If there are many retrieval results, a large amount of data is stored in the work table. Processing performance decreases because the data stored in the work table is sorted, and then is grouped.