
Hitachi Advanced Database Application Development Guide

4.3.2 HADB client for Linux

In the HADB client for Linux, specify the environment variables listed in the table below. These environment variables are specified by the OS user who manages the HADB client.

Make sure that the values specified for the environment variables take effect on the shell when the HADB client is used. For details about the specification method, see the shell documentation.

Table 4‒3: Values to be specified in the environment variables


Environment variable

Value to be specified



Specify in this environment variable the character encoding used in the OS. This must be the same as the value of the LANG environment variable for the HADB server.



Add the following directory to the value of this environment variable:

  • $ADBCLTDIR/client/lib

Set this environment variable when either of the following conditions is satisfied:

  • The adbsql command will be run on the HADB client.

  • Applications that use the CLI function will be developed or run on the HADB client.



Add the following directory to the value of this environment variable:

  • $ADBCLTDIR/client/bin



Specify in this environment variable the time zone of the computer on which the HADB client is installed.

Do not specify a time zone that uses leap seconds.



Specify in this environment variable the absolute path of the client directory.

The first character of the path must be a forward slash (/).



Specify in this environment variable the character encoding used on the HADB client. Specify the same character encoding as used on the HADB server. This must be the character encoding specified in the ADBLANG environment variable for the HADB server.

  • If using Unicode (UTF-8) on the HADB server

    Specify UTF8 in this environment variable.

  • If using Shift-JIS on the HADB server

    Specify SJIS in this environment variable.



Specify in this environment variable the maximum size (in megabytes) of a client message log file. The permitted value range is from 1 to 2000.

Four client message log files are created on an HADB client. If you omit this environment variable, the maximum size of each client message log file is set to 16 megabytes.

If you start multiple client processes from a single client directory, specify for each of them the same value in this environment variable. If different values are specified when multiple client processes are run, the client message log files might become corrupted.



For this environment variable, specify the character string that will be displayed as a null value in the search result returned by the adbsql command. You can specify a character string that is 0 to 32 bytes long. If you specify a 0-byte character string, a blank is displayed as a null value.

If you omit this environment variable, null values are displayed as asterisks (*).

Specify this environment variable when retrieved data contains asterisks, or you want a particular character string to appear in place of null values.

Note that if you specify multi-byte characters, the search results might become garbled.

Consider setting this environment variable when the adbsql command will be run on the HADB client.