
Hitachi Advanced Database Application Development Guide

3.1.2 Installing the JDBC driver

The following shows the procedure for installing the JDBC driver.

  1. Copy a compressed file from the HADB client installation CD-ROM to a folder of your choice.

    The file to be copied is as follows:

    • In the 64-bit edition of Windows

    • In the 32-bit edition of Windows

    • In Linux


      The $VER portion is replaced by an HADB version and release number.

  2. Expand the compressed file that you copied.

    The following table describes the location in which the JAR file will be stored when the compressed file is expanded.

    Table 3‒2: Location of the JAR file after the compressed file is expanded

    Compressed file to be expanded

    Location where the JAR file will be stored

    Either of the following compressed files:




    %INSTCLTDIR% indicates the folder in which the compressed file is expanded.

    hitachi_advanced_data_binder_client-$VER.tar.gz is expanded


    $INSTCLTDIR indicates the directory in which the compressed file is expanded.

  3. Copy the JAR file to a folder of your choice.

  4. Delete the following folders and files:

    • The compressed file you copied in step 1.

    • The folders and files you expanded in step 2.