
Hitachi Advanced Database Application Development Guide

2.1 Specification formats for operands in the client definition

Specify the execution environment of the HADB client in the client definition. The following shows the specification formats for operands in the client definition.

Operands related to system configuration
   set adb_clt_rpc_srv_host = HADB-server's-host-name
  [set adb_clt_rpc_srv_port = HADB-server's-port-number]
  [set adb_clt_group_name = client-group-name]
Operands related to application program status monitoring
  [set adb_clt_rpc_con_wait_time = wait-time-until-completion-of-connection-to-HADB-server]
  [set adb_clt_rpc_sql_wait_time = HADB-server's-response-wait-time]
  [set adb_clt_ap_name = application-identifier]
Operands related to performance
  [set adb_clt_fetch_size = number-of-batch-transmission-rows-during-FETCH-processing]
  [set adb_dbbuff_wrktbl_clt_blk_num = number-of-local-work-table-buffer-pages]
  [set adb_sql_exe_max_rthd_num = maximum-number-of-SQL-processing-real-threads]
  [set adb_sql_exe_hashgrp_area_size = hash-grouping-area-size]
  [set adb_sql_exe_hashtbl_area_size = hash-table-area-size]
  [set adb_sql_exe_hashflt_area_size = hash-filter-area-size]
Operands related to SQL
  [set adb_sql_prep_delrsvd_use_srvdef = {Y|N}]
  [set adb_clt_trn_iso_lv = {READ_COMMITTED|REPEATABLE_READ}]
  [set adb_clt_trn_access_mode = {READ_WRITE|READ_ONLY}]
  [set adb_clt_sql_text_out = {Y|N}]
  [set adb_clt_sql_order_mode = {BYTE|ISO}]
  [set adb_sql_prep_dec_div_rs_prior = {INTEGRAL_PART|FRACTIONAL_PART}]

For explanations of operands in the client definition, see 2.2 Contents of operands in the client definition.

For details about how to create and modify the client definition, see 4.4 Creating a client definition.