Nonstop Database, HiRDB Version 9 Command Reference


16.6 Output format

Organization of this section
(1) Collecting optimization information by retrieval
(2) Registering optimization information using the optimization information parameter file

(1) Collecting optimization information by retrieval

(a) Optimizing information collection level lvl2

The following shows the execution results of the optimizing information collection utility (optimizing information collection by retrieval with -c lvl2):

**      pdgetcst                             1995-03-31 12:00
  AUTHORIZATION         : user-id [2]
  TABLE NAME            : TABLE01 [3]
  ROW COUNT             : 120     [4]
  DATA PAGES            : 5       [5]
  CACHE SIZE            : 0       [6]
  INDEX NAME            : Idx001  [7]
  INDEX PAGES           : 5       [8]
  INDEX LEVELS          : 3       [9]
  COLUMN NAME           : Clm1    [10]
  COLUMN TYPE           : INTEGER [11]
  SEQUENTIAL RATIO      : 100     [12]
  MAX VALUE             : 2500    [13]
  MIN VALUE             : 0       [14]
  UNIQUE KEYS           : 23      [15]
  NULL VALUE COUNT      : 20      [16]
  MAX DUPLICATE KEY     : 10      [17]
  MIN DUPLICATE KEY     : 1       [18]
  SECTION COUNT         : 39      [19]
    SECTION NO          :1  [20]
    TOTAL COUNT         :1  [21]
    UNIQUE KEYS         :1  [22]
    MAX VALUE           :0  [23]
    SECTION NO          :2
    TOTAL COUNT         :2
    UNIQUE KEYS         :1
    MAX VALUE           :10
    SECTION NO          :3
    TOTAL COUNT         :6
    UNIQUE KEYS         :1
    MAX VALUE           :10
    SECTION NO          :39
    TOTAL COUNT         :100
    UNIQUE KEYS         :1
    MAX VALUE           :2500
**  pdgetcst ENDED    RETURN CODE = 0 [24]

** SECTION INFORMATION ** is displayed as many times as there are sections. ** INDEX-COLUMN INFORMATION ** (including ** SECTION INFORMATION **) is displayed as many times as there are indexes.
  1. Date and time the optimizing information collection utility was executed (pdgetcst command entry time) in the format YYYY/MM/DD hh:mm.
    YYYY: Year. MM: Month. DD: Date. hh: Hour. mm: Minute.
  2. Authorization identifier of the table subject to collection of optimization information.
  3. Identifier of the table subject to collection of optimization information.
  4. Number of rows in the table.
  5. Number of data pages used in the table.
  6. Work area used by HiRDB.
  7. Name of an index subject to collection of optimization information.
  8. Number of index pages used for the index.
  9. Number of index levels.
  10. Name of the first component column of the index.
  11. Data type of the first component column of the index.
  12. Sequentialness.
  13. Maximum column value in the first component column of the index.
  14. Minimum column value in the first component column of the index.
  15. Number of unique values in the first component column of the index.
  16. Number of NULL values in the first component column of the index.
  17. Maximum number of duplicate values in the first component column of the index.
  18. Minimum number of duplicate values in the first component column of the index.
  19. Number of sections for section distribution information.
  20. Section number.
  21. Cumulative number of data items for the section.
  22. Number of unique values in the section.
  23. Maximum value in the section.
  24. Return code.

When the -d option is specified, 8, 9, and 12 to 19 are not displayed. If the number of rows is zero, 13 and 14 are left blank, and 0 is displayed for the other items.
(b) Optimizing information collection level lvl1

The following shows the execution results of the optimizing information collection utility (optimizing information collection by retrieval with -c lvl1):

**      pdgetcst                             2000-03-31 12:00
  AUTHORIZATION         : user-id [2]
  TABLE NAME            : TABLE01 [3]
  ROW COUNT             : 120     [4]    [6]
  CACHE SIZE            : 0       [5]
**  pdgetcst ENDED    RETURN CODE = 0 [7]

  1. Date and time the optimizing information collection utility was executed (pdgetcst command entry time) in the format YYYY/MM/DD hh:mm.
    YYYY: Year. MM: Month. DD: Date. hh: Hour. mm: Minute.
  2. Authorization identifier of the table for which optimization information is being collected.
  3. Identifier of the table for which optimization information is being collected.
  4. Number of rows in the table.
  5. Work area used by the HiRDB.
  6. Information about other tables (applicable when -t ALL is specified).
  7. Return code.

(2) Registering optimization information using the optimization information parameter file

  **     pdgetcst                                1997-10-30 15:06
    TABLE NAME          : TBL01  [3]
    ROW COUNT           : 1      [4]
    DATA PAGES          : 1      [5]
    CACHE SIZE          : 2560   [6]
    INDEX NAME          : IDX_TBL01_C1 [7]
    INDEX PAGES         : 1            [8]
    INDEX LEVELS        : 1            [9]
    SEQUENTIAL RATIO    : 1            [10]
    INDEX KEY           : 1            [11]
    COLUMN NAME         : C1   [12]
    COLUMN TYPE         : CHAR [13]
    UNIQUE KEYS         : 1    [14]
    NULL VALUE COUNT    : 1    [15]
    MAX DUPLICATE KEY   : 1    [16]
    MIN DUPLICATE KEY   : 1    [17]
    MAX VALUE           : "1"  [18]
    MIN VALUE           : "1"  [19]
    SECTION COUNT       : 100  [20]
  **  pdgetcst ENDED    RETURN CODE = 0 [21]   **

** COLUMN INFORMATION ** is displayed as many times as there are columns. ** INDEX INFORMATION ** and ** COLUMN INFORMATION ** are displayed as many times as there are indexes.
  1. Date and time optimizing information collection utility executed (pdgetcst command entry time), in the format YYYY-MM-DD hh:mm.
    YYYY: Year. MM: Month. DD: Date. hh: Hour. mm: Minute.
  2. Authorization identifier of the table subject to registration of optimization information.
  3. Identifier of the table subject to registration of optimization information.
  4. Number of rows in the table.
  5. Number of data pages used in the tale.
  6. Work area used by the HiRDB system.
  7. Name of an index subject to registration of optimization information.
  8. Number of index pages used for the index.
  9. Number of index levels.
  10. Degree of sequentiality.
  11. Number of key values for the index.
  12. Name of column for which index is defined.
  13. Data type of column for which index is defined.
  14. Number of unique values in column for which index is defined.
  15. Number of null values in column for which index is defined.
  16. Maximum number of duplicate values in column for which index is defined.
  17. Minimum number of duplicate values in column for which index is defined.
  18. Maximum value in column for which index is defined.
  19. Minimum value in column for which index is defined.
  20. Number of sections for section distribution information.
  21. Return code.