Nonstop Database, HiRDB Version 9 Command Reference


14.4.2 DAT-format file unit

When statistical information is output to a DAT-format file, one file is created for each type of statistical information. The file is created under a user-specified directory. The table below lists the names of DAT-format files.

Table 14-5 Names of DAT-format files

Edited information Output unit File name
System activity statistical information Activity information in the log for one system sys_DAT
UAP statistical information Execution of one UAP or one service uap_DAT
SQL statistical information Execution of one SQL sql_DAT
Global buffer pool statistical information Each synchronization point buf_DAT
Statistical information about HiRDB files for database manipulation Each synchronization point fil_DAT
Deferred write processing statistical information Each time a parallel write process for deferred write processing starts dfw_DAT
Static optimization information Preprocessing of one SQL sop_DAT
Dynamic optimization information Each server within an SQL dop_DAT
SQL object execution information Each parallel SQL pcd_DAT
SQL object transfer statistical information Each parallel SQL obj_DAT
SQL statement statistical information Execution of one SQL sqh_DAT
Statistical information about database I/O operations Each HiRDB file constituting the RDAREA in which I/O operations were performed during an information output interval dio_DAT

  1. Each file has a predefined name. If the same file name is found in the user-specified directory, the existing file may be overwritten. To avoid this, the existing file should be renamed or a different directory should be specified.
  2. A DAT-format file cannot store more than 2 gigabytes of data. When you are using a large number of system log files, make sure that the size of the output data does not exceed 2 gigabytes by specifying appropriate options to narrow the data to be output.
  3. The system activity statistical information consists of too many columns to be imported to Excel as is. Use the cut command to delete unneeded columns before importing the data.
    The following is an example:
    cut -d "," -f1-256 /tmp/sys_DAT > /tmp/sys_DAT.out