Nonstop Database, HiRDB Version 9 Command Reference
When statistical information is output to a DAT-format file, one file is created for each type of statistical information. The file is created under a user-specified directory. The table below lists the names of DAT-format files.
Table 14-5 Names of DAT-format files
Edited information | Output unit | File name |
System activity statistical information | Activity information in the log for one system | sys_DAT |
UAP statistical information | Execution of one UAP or one service | uap_DAT |
SQL statistical information | Execution of one SQL | sql_DAT |
Global buffer pool statistical information | Each synchronization point | buf_DAT |
Statistical information about HiRDB files for database manipulation | Each synchronization point | fil_DAT |
Deferred write processing statistical information | Each time a parallel write process for deferred write processing starts | dfw_DAT |
Static optimization information | Preprocessing of one SQL | sop_DAT |
Dynamic optimization information | Each server within an SQL | dop_DAT |
SQL object execution information | Each parallel SQL | pcd_DAT |
SQL object transfer statistical information | Each parallel SQL | obj_DAT |
SQL statement statistical information | Execution of one SQL | sqh_DAT |
CONNECT/DISCONNECT statistical information | Each CONNECT/DISCONNECT | cnc_DAT |
Statistical information about database I/O operations | Each HiRDB file constituting the RDAREA in which I/O operations were performed during an information output interval | dio_DAT |
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