Nonstop Database, HiRDB Version 9 Command Reference


12.1.3 Execution environment

  1. You can execute pdpgbfon only while HiRDB is running.
  2. Execute the pdpgbfon command at the server machine containing the single server or the server machine where the system manager is located.
  3. To execute pdpgbfon, set the LANG environment variable. To use character codes that are not supported by the OS in an environment in which pdpgbfon is executed, you must set the PDLANG environment variable. For details about LANG and PDLANG, see the HiRDB Version 9 UAP Development Guide.
  4. You can execute pdpgbfon when the target RDAREAs are in open or reference-possible shutdown status. For details about whether or not pdpgbfon can be executed, see Appendix C. RDAREA Status During Command Execution.
  5. When you will be executing pdpgbfon, allocate a sufficient number of global buffer sectors so that all data in the target table's data pages or index pages can be read. If a space shortage occurs in the global buffer, the first page read will be swept out of the global buffer.