Nonstop Database, HiRDB Version 9 Command Reference


8.9.8 sort statement (specification of work directory for sorting)

The sort statement specifies information about a work file for sorting that is to be used when an index is created (information such as the directory in which the file is to be created).

If you have specified neither the pd_tmp_directory operand in the system definition nor the TMPDIR environment variable, you must specify the sort statement, if possible, in order to avoid a shortage of space in the /tmp directory.

  1. If the sort statement is omitted, the work file for sorting is created in the directory shown in Table 8-42 Directory to which pdrorg outputs files on the server where the index RDAREA is located.
  2. The work file for sorting is deleted automatically when pdrorg processing terminates.
  3. You can specify as many sort statements as follows:
    HiRDB single server configuration:
    Specify only one sort statement.
    HiRDB parallel server configuration:
    For an index of a partitioned table, specify as many sort statements as there are servers that contain the table partitions. For a non-partitioned table or when reorganizing a partitioned table in units of RDAREAs, specify only one sort statement.
Organization of this subsection
(1) Format
(2) Explanation
(3) Note

(1) Format

sort [server-name] directory-name

(2) Explanation

(a) server-name

~<identifier> ((1-8))

Specifies the name of the server used to create the work file for sorting.

HiRDB single server configuration
Do not specify this option. A single server name will be ignored, if specified.

HiRDB parallel server configuration
Specify the name of the server used to create the work file for sorting.
(b) directory-name

~<path name> ((1-255))

Specifies the absolute path name of the directory in which sort work file is to be created.

(3) Note

Do not allocate NFS to the directory that is specified in the sort statement. If NFS is allocated, twice as much space is required for the work file for sorting as when a local file is used. Also, problems occur related to retention of work files for sorting.