Nonstop Database, HiRDB Version 9 Command Reference


5.7 Column structure information file

A column structure information file is specified in the following cases:

Item Format of input data file Explanation
DAT format Fixed-size data format pdload unload file
Storing data with a column sequence different from input data file and table Y Y Y 1
Storing data with a column count different from input data file and table Y Y Y 2
Storing data in the input data file after converting it to the data type of the column in the table -- Y NS 3
Expanding the character string data type and then storing data when the table's column definition length differs from the value for the character string data type in the input data file -- Y Y 3
Storing a column value in the input data file that matches the null comparison value as the null value -- Y Y 4
Specifying a constructor function that generates values to be stored in abstract data type Y Y Y 5
The number of elements for repetition columns in the input data file is less than the maximum number of elements in table definition Y Y --# 6
Storing sequence numbers obtained from sequence generators as input data Y Y Y 7

Y: Specifiable.

NS: Not specifiable.

--: Not applicable

#: If the arrayed data format is VV, you cannot specify the number of elements.

  1. Specify column-name statements in the order of corresponding input data.
  2. If some of the input data is not to be stored in the table, specify a skipdata statement for such data. If there is no input data to be stored in the table, omit the column-name statement.
  3. Specify the data type of the table column in the corresponding column-name statement.
  4. Specify the comparison value (input data) to be treated as the null value in the column-name statement.
  5. Specify the constructor function name and parameter type in the column-name statement. If the name of the constructor function that generates the data to be stored in the abstract data type is different from the name of the column data type, or if there are multiple functions with the same name, be sure to specify the column structure information file. For the fixed-size data format, also specify the data type of the input parameter and the null comparison value.
  6. Specify the number of input data elements in the column-name statement. For details about the column-name statement, see 5.7.1 column-name statement; for details about the skipdata statement, see 5.7.2 skipdata statement.
  7. Specify the sequence generator to be used and the input data replacement condition in the column-name statement. If the input data does not contain data for the column, specify an add data statement.

  1. If an input data file is in the fixed-size data format, be sure to specify a column structure information file. For an input data file in DAT format or pdrorg-output binary format, you can specify a column structure information file as required.
    For an input data file in pdrorg-output binary format, you can specify a column structure information file only for a non-FIX table. Specifying a column structure information file for a FIX table results in an error. To reorganize the column structure of a FIX table using a column structure information file, handle the input data file as being in the fixed-size data format.
  2. Specify each column-name statement and skipdata statement on a single line. If you need more than one line and the last character in the line is a comma (,) for separating operands, specify at least one byte of space or tab between the comma and the continuation character ($), and specify a continuation character at the end of the line. In this manner, you can specify information over more than one line.
  3. When specifying a column structure information file, also specify the -c option.
  4. If you are creating a LOB column structure base table separately from LOB columns and specify a column structure information file during the creation of the LOB column structure base table, you need to specify a column structure information file containing the same information also during the creation of the LOB columns. Otherwise, the LOB column creation process may result in an error.
Organization of this section
5.7.1 column-name statement
5.7.2 skipdata statement
5.7.3 Add data statement
5.7.4 Specification examples