Nonstop Database, HiRDB Version 9 Command Reference


5.5.5 LOB column input file

Organization of this subsection
(1) Creating a LOB column input file
(2) Notes about the LOB column input file

(1) Creating a LOB column input file

The figure below shows the format of a LOB column input file.

Figure 5-24 Format of LOB column input file


Create as many LOB data items as there are input rows, in the order of the input data in the LOB column structure base table in the format shown in Figure 5-24 Format of LOB column input file. With some LOB data, you need to specify the following information:

Establish correspondence between the row data in the LOB column structure base table and the LOB data in the LOB column input file based on the specification sequence of the LOB data such that the data in row n of the LOB column structure base table corresponds to data item n in the LOB column input file.

The figure below shows an example of the correspondence between the row data in a LOB column structure base table and the LOB data in the LOB column input file. In this example, the LOB value in row 3 is treated as the null value.

Figure 5-25 Example of correspondence between row data in LOB column structure base table and LOB data in LOB column input file


(2) Notes about the LOB column input file

(a) Correspondence between specification of the input data file for the LOB column structure base table and LOB data in the LOB column input file

An error results if the specifications of the input data file for the LOB column structure base table do not agree with the specifications of the corresponding LOB data in the LOB column input file.

This type of error occurs in the following cases:

(b) Notes about the number of data items in the input data file for the LOB column structure base table and the number of data items in the LOB column input file

When loading LOB data using a LOB column input file, the database load utility checks the number of data items in the LOB column input file. However, the utility may skip this checking due to the specification of an option or due to the existence of erroneous data in the input data file. When this happens, the utility issues the KFPL16328-W message.

The table below shows the relationship between the specification of the option and the existence of erroneous data in an input data file.

Table 5-39 Relationship between specification of option and existence of erroneous data in input data file

Option Existence of erroneous data in input data file for LOB column structure base table
No Yes
-e option Not specified Y Y#1
Specified Y --#2

Y: The utility checks the number of data items in LOB column input file.

--: The utility does not check the number of data items in LOB column input file.

#1: The utility outputs the LOB column information from the input data file to a LOB middle file for the rows that did not result in an error, then checks the number of data items in the LOB column input file.

To use an error data file later to load the row data for the LOB column structure base table that resulted in an error, you need to prepare another LOB column input file that corresponds to the input file for the LOB column structure base table that is subject to subsequent data loading. You cannot use the initial LOB column input file as is.

#2: The utility outputs the corresponding LOB column information to a LOB middle file up to the data immediately preceding the erroneous row in the input data file for the LOB column structure base table.

Consequently, the utility outputs the LOB column information to a LOB middle file as is, even if the LOB data is shifted (due to invalid or missing data) in the LOB column input file that corresponds to the input data file for the LOB column structure base table up to the data immediately preceding the erroneous row.

If you load the remaining row data in the addition mode specifying the -r option after correcting the erroneous data in the input data file for the LOB column structure base table, the utility loads data through the last row in the input data file for the LOB column structure base table, then checks the number of data items in the LOB column input file for the first time during the LOB column creation process.

If this data item count checking results in an error, you need to take one of the following actions according to the location of the error in the LOB column input file:

(a) Error within in the range of data in the LOB column input file being loaded
You can load the LOB column by eliminating the cause of the error in the LOB column input file.

(b) Error beyond the range of data in the LOB column input file being loaded
You need to eliminate the cause of the error in the LOB column input file and load the LOB data in the LOB column input file that was previously being loaded as well as the LOB data that has already been loaded.
In this case, check to see if the LOB column structure base table to be loaded is a partitioned table or a non-partitioned table, and also check whether the loading units for the LOB column structure base table are in tables or in RDAREAs. Then, re-initialize the erroneous user LOB RDAREAs or all the user LOB RDAREAs corresponding to the erroneous LOB column, restore them from their backup copy, then load the LOB column.

The figure below shows a simple procedure for handling a data item count error in a LOB column input file.

Figure 5-26 Simple procedure for handling a data item count error in the LOB column input file
