Nonstop Database, HiRDB Version 9 Command Reference


5.4.3 mtguide and emtdef statements (specification of MT information)

The mtguide and emtdef statements are specified when EasyMT and MTguide are used for the input data file or the LOB input file.

Specify the mtguide and emtdef statements before the source or lobdata statement.

For details about EasyMT and MTguide, see the following manuals:

Organization of this subsection
(1) Format
(2) Explanation

(1) Format

  mtguide {use|nouse}
  emtdef MT-attribute-definition-filename

(2) Explanation

(a) mtguide {use|nouse}

When magnetic tape is used for the input data file or the LOB input file, this option specifies whether MTguide is to be used for the magnetic tape mounting operation.

When mounting is already completed during the data loading with synchronization point specification, you need to mount from volume 1 again before re-executing.

Specify this option if you are using MTguide.
If you perform data loading on the LOB column structure base table and on a LOB column at the same time, specify use.

Specify this option if you are not using MTguide.
(b) emtdef MT-attribute-definition-file-name

~<path name>

Specifies the name of the file for which EasyMT is defined as the MT attribute. The following items specified in this file take effect during EasyMT processing:

However, if the same item is specified in the source or lobdata statement, the source or lobdata statement specification takes precedence.

HiRDB single server configuration
Create the MT attribute definition file at the server machine that contains the single server.

HiRDB parallel server configuration
Create the MT attribute definition file at the server machine where the system manager is located.