Nonstop Database, HiRDB Version 9 Command Reference


2.83 pdopsetup (Set up add-on PP)

Organization of this section
(1) Function
(2) Executor
(3) Format
(4) Options
(5) Command argument
(6) Rules
(7) Notes

(1) Function

Installs or uninstalls HiRDB add-on PPs.

(2) Executor

Superusers can execute this command.

(3) Format

 pdopsetup [-d] -k add-on-PP HiRDB-operation-directory

(4) Options

(a) -d

Specifies an uninstallation of an add-on PP. The default is to install an add-on PP.

(b) -k add-on-PP ~<character-string>

Specifies an abbreviation of the add-on PP.

sti: HiRDB Staticizer Option

aha: HiRDB Advanced High Availability

drl: HiRDB Disaster Recovery Light Edition#1

nrf: HiRDB Non Recover FES#2

acl: HiRDB Accelerator

#1: If HiRDB Disaster Recovery Light Edition is installed, execute the pdopsetup command at all server machines both at the transaction execution site and at the log application site.

#2: Applicable to a HiRDB parallel server configuration.

(5) Command argument

(a) HiRDB-operation-directory ~<pathname>

Specifies the HiRDB operation directory where the add-on PP is to be installed or uninstalled.

(6) Rules

  1. The pdopsetup command can be executed only when HiRDB is stopped. This command cannot be executed when HiRDB has been forcibly terminated or has terminated abnormally.
  2. In a HiRDB parallel server configuration, execute the pdopsetup command on each server machine to register the same add-on PPs in all units.
  3. If you have registered add-on PPs on the primary system in a system switchover configuration, also register the same add-on PPs into the standby system (by also executing the pdopsetup command in the standby system).
  4. If more than one HiRDB is registered in the OS on a single server machine with a configuration such as a mutual system switchover configuration, execute the pdopsetup command for each HiRDB (for a HiRDB parallel server configuration, each unit). For example, if two HiRDBs (primary system and standby system) are installed on a single server machine with a mutual system switchover configuration, the pdopsetup command must be executed twice on that server machine (once for the HiRDB in the primary system and once for the HiRDB in the standby system).
  5. If add-on PPs have been registered at the main site with a disaster recovery configuration, also register the same add-on PPs at the remote site (also execute the pdopsetup command at the remote site).
  6. To execute the pdopsetup command, you must add $PDDIR/lib to the SHLIB_PATH# environment variable.
    #: The environment variable is LD_LIBRARY_PATH for the Solaris and Linux editions and LIBPATH for the AIX edition.

(7) Notes

  1. The following are the pdopsetup command's return codes:
    0: Normal termination
    4: Privilege error, HiRDB is active, insufficient disk space, uninstalled, or already installed
    12: Invalid parameter or path
  2. When HiRDB is upgraded to a new version, any add-on PP registered before the version upgrade will be transferred to the new version, which obviates the need for re-executing this command.