Nonstop Database, HiRDB Version 9 Command Reference


2.35 pdfrm (Delete HiRDB file)

Organization of this section
(1) Function
(2) Executor
(3) Format
(4) Options
(5) Command arguments
(6) Rules
(7) Notes

(1) Function

The pdfrm command deletes a specified HiRDB file from a HiRDB file system area.

(2) Executor

HiRDB administrator

(3) Format

 pdfrm [-i] HiRDB-file-system-area-name/HiRDB-file-name

(4) Options

(a) -i

Specifies that a confirmation message is to be displayed before the HiRDB file is deleted. The file can be deleted by entering y as the response to the confirmation message.

(5) Command arguments

(a) HiRDB-file-system-area-name/HiRDB-file-name

Specifies the name of the character special files area or the regular files area containing the HiRDB file to be deleted and the name of the HiRDB file to be deleted.

HiRDB-file-system-area-name ~<pathname> ((up to 165 characters))
Specifies the name of the HiRDB file system area.

HiRDB-filename ~<HiRDB filename>
Specifies the name of the HiRDB file.

(6) Rules

  1. If the usage purpose of the HiRDB file system area that contains the HiRDB file to be deleted is other than UTL, the pdfrm command cannot be executed in the HiRDB file system area that contains that HiRDB file while the active HiRDB is in use (if the HiRDB file in the HiRDB file system area has been opened even once). If the usage purpose is UTL, the pdfrm command can be executed regardless of whether or not the HiRDB file system area is in use. However, it cannot be executed if the specified HiRDB file is in use by the active HiRDB (opened by another process).
  2. The pdfrm command must be executed separately for each server machine containing the HiRDB file system area.
  3. A HiRDB file that is in use (opened by another process) cannot be deleted.
  4. When the -i option was specified and any character other than y is entered in response to the confirmation message, the HiRDB file will not be deleted.
  5. If you are executing the command on a HiRDB file system area that is used for shared RDAREAs, execute it from the server machine where the updatable back-end server is located.

(7) Notes

  1. Return code 0 for the pdfrm command indicates normal termination, and return code -1 indicates abnormal termination.
  2. The result of the pdfrm command can be checked by the pdfls command.
  3. Except when the usage purpose is UTL, the pdfrm command is used to delete a HiRDB file forcibly under emergency conditions. Normally, a HiRDB file should be deleted with a host command, such as the database structure modification utility, the pdlogrm command, or the pdstsrm command, depending on the usage purpose.
  4. Because the pdfrm command can delete forcibly a HiRDB file that comprises an RDAREA, care should be taken in executing this command.