Nonstop Database, HiRDB Version 9 Command Reference


2.30 pdfchfs (Modify management information for a HiRDB file system area)

Organization of this section
(1) Function
(2) Executor
(3) Format
(4) Options
(5) Command arguments
(6) Rules
(7) Notes

(1) Function

The pdfchfs command modifies, for a HiRDB file system area, the maximum number of HiRDB file system area extensions (modifies the value of the -e option in pdfmkfs).

If a shortage of the process private area occurs and the value specified in the -e option of the pdfmkfs command is too large for the estimate, you can reduce the memory requirement for the process private area by making an appropriate modification to this value.

You execute the pdfchfs command in either of the following cases:

(2) Executor

HiRDB administrator

(3) Format

 pdfchfs -e maximum-number-of-extensions HiRDB-file-system-area-name

(4) Options

(a) -e maximum-number-of-extensions ~<unsigned integer> ((0 to 60000))

Specifies a new maximum number of extensions for the HiRDB file system area, modifying what was specified in the -e option of the pdfmkfs command. You can determine the current maximum number of extensions by checking the available expand count value displayed in the pdfstatfs command's execution results. Note that this option cannot be specified if the current value exceeds the value of the -e option specified in the pdfmkfs command.

If the value of the -e option in the pdfmkfs command is equal to or greater than the estimated value, you can reduce the memory requirement for process private area that is used by each HiRDB server process by reducing the maximum number of extensions.

Guidelines for reducing the memory requirement:

a: Value of the pdfmkfs -e option.
b: Value of the pdfmkfs -s option (The value displayed in sector size in the execution results of the pdfstatfs -b command. If this option is omitted and character special files are being used, the value is 1024; if regular files are being used, the value is 512).

For details about the process private area used by server processes, see Calculation of required memory in the HiRDB Version 9 Installation and Design Guide.

  1. If the value specified in the -e option does not satisfy the following conditions, the command displays KFPI21604-E and terminates with an error:
    • Minimum value: Number of extensions that have been used so far
    • Maximum value: Value of the -e option during execution of the pdfmkfs command
  2. If the specified value is the same as the existing value, the command terminates normally.
  3. If the specified value is less than the following value, an error will result if the maximum number of area extensions is reached before the maximum number of HiRDB file extensions is reached when HiRDB files are created or extended:
    23 [Figure] total number of HiRDB files that use extensions
    See pdfmkfs (Initialize a HiRDB file system area) for each usage purpose of HiRDB file system areas.

(5) Command arguments

(a) HiRDB-file-system-area-name ~<path name> ((up to 165 characters))

Specifies the name of the HiRDB file system area.

  1. This command cannot be executed for a HiRDB file system area that satisfies both the conditions described below. If the command is executed with the name of such a HiRDB file system area specified, it will display KFPI21603-E and terminate with an error.
    • HiRDB file system area automatic extension is specified in the -a option of the pdfmkfs command.
      You can determine whether HiRDB file system area automatic extension is set by checking the value of area auto expand in the pdfstatfs command's execution results.
    • The usage purpose of the HiRDB file system area as specified in the -k option of the pdfmkfs command is DB, SDB, or SYS.
      You can determine the usage purpose by checking the value of initialize area kind in the pdfstatfs command's execution results.

(6) Rules

  1. The pdfchfs command can be executed regardless of the HiRDB operating status. However, the command cannot be executed if the usage purpose of the HiRDB file system area is SVR.
    There is no restriction on executing this command while HiRDB is stopped. If you execute the command while HiRDB is running, follow the procedure described in the table below for the usage purpose of the HiRDB file system area, as specified in the -k option of the pdfmkfs command.
    No. Usage purpose pdfchfs command execution procedure
    1 DB or SDB
    1. Place the target RDAREAs in shutdown and closed status. This applies to all RDAREAs that consist of HiRDB files stored in the target HiRDB file system area.
    2. Refresh the process (with pdpfresh).
    3. Execute the pdfchfs command.
    4. Release the RDAREAs from shutdown and closes status.
    • This procedure is not applicable to a HiRDB file system area that stores the files that constitute the master directory RDAREA. To apply the procedure to such an RDAREA, you must first stop HiRDB.
    • If a process accessing the HiRDB file system area can be refreshed forcibly, execute the pdpfresh command with the -f option specified. Otherwise, either wait until the job being executed by the process has terminated or terminate the job and then execute the command. For details about how to check for the processes accessing HiRDB files and how to use pdpfresh, see 2.90 pdpfresh (Refresh server process).
    2 SYS
    1. Close the target HiRDB files. This applies to all HiRDB files stored in the HiRDB file system area that is subject to the command's processing.
    2. Execute the pdfchfs command.
    3. Open the HiRDB files.
    • If the HiRDB file system area contains the current HiRDB file, swap it with a HiRDB file in another area before executing the command.
    • This procedure is not applicable if all generations are stored in the same HiRDB file system area. To apply the procedure, first stop HiRDB. In a HiRDB parallel server configuration, if only HiRDB files for the server are stored, the command can be executed by terminating the corresponding server.
    • The procedure cannot be applied to a HiRDB file system area that stores audit trail files. To apply the procedure, first stop HiRDB.
    3 WORK
    1. Stop transactions that use work tables.
    2. Execute the pdfchfs command.
    If a transaction is executed while the command is executing, the transaction will be placed in wait status until the pdfchfs command has terminated. The transaction's processing will be restarted after the pdfchfs command has terminated.
    4 UTL
    1. Stop utilities that specify the target HiRDB file system area.
    2. Execute the pdfchfs command.
    If a utility is executed while the command is executing, the utility will be placed in wait status until the pdfchfs command has terminated. The utility will be restarted after the pdfchfs command has terminated.
    5 SVR The command cannot be executed while HiRDB is running. Stop HiRDB and then execute the command.
    If you execute the pdfchfs command without adhering to these procedures and the target HiRDB file system area is being used by a process, the command will issue KFPI21528-E and terminate with an error. If the command terminates with an error, re-execute it using the applicable procedure described above.
  2. You must execute the pdfchfs command on each server machine that contains the HiRDB file system area.
  3. If the target HiRDB file system area is used as a shared RDAREA, execute the command from a server machine on which an updatable back-end server is located.

(7) Notes

  1. The pdfchfs command cannot change the size of the management information that was created when the pdfmkfs command was executed. To avoid creating an unneeded area that is not used for management, we recommend that you re-execute the pdfmkfs command to change the size.