Nonstop Database, HiRDB Version 9 Command Reference


2.28 pdextfunc (Define or delete the extended system-defined scalar function)

Organization of this section
(1) Function
(2) Executor
(3) Format
(4) Options
(5) Rules
(6) Notes

(1) Function

The pdextfunc command defines or deletes the extended system-defined scalar function.

(2) Executor

HiRDB administrator

(3) Format

 pdextfunc {-c|-e[force]}

(4) Options

(a) -c

Specifies that the extended system-defined scalar function is to be defined.

(b) -e

Specifies that the extended system-defined scalar function is to be deleted. Note that the extended system-defined scalar function cannot be deleted if it is being used by a function, a procedure, or a trigger. If this is the case, specify the force option.

(c) force

Specifies that the extended system-defined scalar function that is being used by a function, a procedure, or a trigger is to be deleted.

(5) Rules

  1. The pdextfunc command can be executed only while HiRDB is running.
  2. If one minute or more elapses before a response is received after the request has been issued to the HiRDB server, a timeout error occurs.
  3. Before you execute the pdextfunc command, specify the following environment variables:
    • In PDUSER in the client environment definition, specify the authorization identifier and password of a user who has the DBA privilege.
    • In LANG or PDLANG in the client environment definition, specify the value corresponding to the character encoding type of the HiRDB server.
    For details, see the HiRDB Version 9 UAP Development Guide.

(6) Notes

  1. The results of the pdextfunc command can be determined from the return code from the command's execution or by checking for error messages. Return code 0 indicates normal termination, 4 indicates warning termination, and 8 indicates abnormal termination.